The First AI-Powered Product Suite for Wildfires
Simplified wildfire protection for high-risk homeowners with hardware and software
Protecting over $120M worth of property
Defend your property with Wildland
Sqft of Land Protected
States of Customers in the US
Value of Land Protected
News Outlet Features
Real-Time Visualization
View the severity and progression of wildfires as they happen.
Custom Alert Notifications
Set custom alerts to be notified when a fire nears your property.
Predictive Analytics (Coming Soon)
Use machine learning to forecast where a wildfire may be heading based on past data.
Increase in Wildfire Readiness
Increase in Information
Optimized Fire Suppression
Fully extinguish fires with no external connection to water or power.
Pendent Sprinkler Technology
Automatically detect fires without any high-risk electronics.
Perimeter Defense
Install devices together to create extended fire suppression barriers around your property.
Fire Suppresson Coverage
Average user rating
Activation Temperature